Discover all the tips for choosing Christmas music in the Tunify Player.
1. Christmas agendas from Tunify Simple
You have two categories: Xmas Mix and Xmas Pure.
Xmas Mix: perfect as a warmup for the actual Christmas days
You can choose from the following music agendas:
Xmas Pure: with 100% Christmas music
You can choose from the following music agendas:
Pop & Jazz
2. Christmas channels from Tunify Plus
Combine different Christmas channels for the ideal soundtrack.
Go to Discover More in the left column and click on Theme Café.
Christmas Pop
Christmas Lite
Christmas Stylish
Christmas Best of
3. Christmas lists in Tunify Premium
You can get inspiration from the Christmas list in Tunify Premium. You can find it by following these steps:
Go to Search Lists in the left column
Choose Themes
Click on Christmas
And add the desired songs to your own lists.